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Bronx Shops & Shopping BX NYC
September 2024 / Bronx Shops & Shopping NYC / Bronx Neighborhoods / Bronx Buzz NYC.
This section is dedicated to the Shops & Shopping section on Bronx Buzz NYC.
Page Guide
How to Make the Most of This Section
1. The reports at the top of this section will contain seasonal shopping opportunities in the Bronx.
2. As things change through the year, the reports that follow the seasonal shopping opportunities, will either reflect current reporting on events, or relevant events reported on in the past.
3. The rest of this section will contain shopping related reports done previously, which over time we'll organize for easier perusing.
4. At the bottom of the page there will be links to these reports and many others, organized into the neighborhoods where the shops are located or where the shopping event occurred.
5. The Bronx Buzz website provides visitors with current news and a history of what has happened in Bronx neighborhoods, generally based on events, issues, locales and sometimes personages. Use the BOOKMARK button at the top of your browser window, to facilitate your weekly visit to find out what's happening in the Bronx.
Thanks for visiting and come back for our weekly & semi-weekly updates.
CLICK here to view our Bronx Shops & Shopping NYC section.
Bronx Farmers Markets & Green Markets - Bronx NYC
Bronx Farmers Markets 2024
Opening Dates, Hours, Items & How To Shop - Bronx Farmers Markets
July 8. 2024 / Food, Wine & Restaurants in the Bronx / Bronx Shops & Shopping / Bronx Buzz NYC.
This report contains the opening dates, times / hours, items / selection, as well as links to online maps of all major Bronx farmer markets, including address locations in the Bronx.
The Bronx Farmers Markets on this page are in or around the Bronx neighborhoods of Mott Haven, Melrose, Longwood, Concourse, Fordham Manor, Hunts Point, Parkchester, Coop City, Morris Park, Pelham Gardens, Claremont Village, Norwood, Bedford Park and Soundview in the Bronx NYC.
Enjoy shopping and eating the fresh and natural foods and product of our local farmers and food manufacturers.
We will continue updating this throughout the 2024 Bronx Farmers Market season.
Click here to view a report about most of the Bronx Farmers Markets / Green Markets in the Bronx Bx.
Bronx Street Fairs - Street Festivals in the Bronx
Bronx Street Fairs & Festivals NYC 2025
I. Bronx Street Fair Dates & Maps 2025
February 10, 2025 / Bronx Neighborhoods / Bronx Shopping / Bronx Buzz NYC.
While generally the Bronx Street Fairs begin in April, this year we're going year round by including the winter months. We're starting by identifying some of the year round markets, which while not exactly street fairs, contain some of the elements of the street fair experience including an eclectic offering of merchandise and food items. And we'll add in other markets as we become aware of them.
We've compiled one of THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SCHEDULE of BRONX street fairs including street fair TIMES & PHOTOS & maps, some street fair names & sponsors, and street fair maps to help you find your way around during the winter, spring, summer and fall of 2025.
The New Bronx Street Fair Page is Organized
So to look through all of the Bronx street fairs for a given month, find the month and then scroll through each neighborhood.
*** Links to Street Fairs in All 5 Boros of NYC
Here are some links to Manhattan street fairs NYC, Queens street fairs NYC, Bronx street fairs NYC, Brooklyn street fairs NYC and Staten Island street fairs NYC. We'll add more as the summer progresses.
Bronx Street Fair Updates - 2025
The Bronx street fair dates that have been updated with 2025 designations reflect the current St Fair events.
ASTERISKED street fairs have NOT been updated. The street fairs with prior year dates reflect the information regarding that fair in a prior year.
UNCONFIRMEDS. The 'UNCONFIRMEDS' represent street fairs held in a prior year, which we believe are returning, but which we have not yet confirmed some or all of the details for 2025.
UPDATES. The street fairs of prior years and the UNCONFIRMEDS will be updated as new information comes in.
Also check our Bronx Events calendar and / or our Bronx Farmers Markets section for updates and other things to do.
- CLICK here to read our report on Bronx Street Fairs NYC.
Bronx Holiday Markets & Shopping - Bronx Holiday Events & Things to do Bx NYC
Bronx Holiday Markets, Shopping & Bronx Holiday Events Bx NYC
Bronx Holiday Shopping, Bronx Christmas Markets, Bronx Hanukkah Shopping, Bronx Kwanzaa Markets & Bronx Holiday Markets & Events
December 20, 2024 / Bronx Neighborhoods / Bronx Holiday Events / Bronx Events & Things To Do / Bronx Shops & Shopping / Bronx Buzz NYC.
NOTE- NEW - UPDATE CHANGE LOG. We added an Update Log at the beginning of the listings, so it's easier for you to stay abreast of changes / updates / new additions.
For links to holiday events and markets in all five boroughs of NYC scroll down to the bottom of this report.
Bronx Holiday Lights, Christmas Tree Lightings, Hanukkah Menorah Lightings, Kwanzaa Candle Lightings Background
The holidays are a special time of the year. In ancient times there were harvest celebrations to give thanks and enjoy the bounty of the year after a long season / year of work.
There were also winter solstice celebrations to commemorate the end of the darkening of the skies. Many cultures celebrate with a festival of lights, and in Christian cultures the holidays are marked with holiday lighting, tree lightings, candle lightings - as well as the celebration of giving through the most well known and most generous man in the world - Santa Claus.
The photo at right shows the Christmas tree at the three corners plaza at Third Avenue, 149th Street and Willis / Melrose Avenue in the Mott Haven and Melrose neighborhoods.
Meanwhile, back in the Bronx we celebrate in a number of ways, which carry on some of these ancient traditions. The following provides the dates / times / locales and some details regarding many of the various Bronx holiday markets for folks to enjoy shopping between now and the end of the year.
Click here to read our report about Bronx Holiday Markets / Bronx Holiday Events & Things To Do NYC.
Bronx Food Grocery Stores, Gourmet Food Stores, Thanksgiving Day Restaurants & Community Dinners
Thanksgiving Day Gourmet Food & Grocery Stores & Restaurants in the Bronx
Thanksgiving Day Gourmet or Specialty Food Shopping & Restaurants in or near Mott Haven, Fordham, Port Morris, Concourse, Bedford Park, Norwood, University Heights, City Island, Riverdale, Melrose, Morris Park, Westchester Square & Parkchester Bronx NYC
UPDATING October 15, 2024 vs 11.2.2022 / Bronx Neighborhoods / Bronx Restaurants / Bronx Buzz NYC.
Thanksgiving Day History - Thanksgiving Food Shops, Dinners & Restaurants in the Bronx
The origins of Thanksgiving Day in the United States began with one of America’s first settlements, founded by the risk-taking, resource-pooling, hardworking, spiritual community of Pilgrims. The Pilgrims were early English settlers who arrived on American shores in the early 17th century [1600’s]. They came here because they wanted a measure of freedom and self-determination that they were forbidden in Europe or what was called the ‘old country’. The Pilgrims wanted to practice their faith, unencumbered, in a way that differed from the established Church of England. They pooled their money to obtain a ship, the Mayflower, to cross the Atlantic in mid September of 1620, landing on America's shores at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts on November 9, 1620.
The Pilgrims Receive Help from the Native People of a Strange Land
Per Wikipedia, the Piligrims survived a hard winter in 1621 with the help of the Wampanoag, an American Indian tribe. The Pilgrims were the immigrants, and the first Americans, the Indian natives, welcomed them. The Wampanaog taught the Pilgrims how to catch eels, and how to grow and harvest corn. Thus the Pilgrims ended 1621 with a good harvest which they celebrated and shared with their new friends, expressing their thanks to a higher power, aka God, for the success of their endeavors.
Thus it was that the first Thanksgiving celebration happened in America. There's some dispute to this account, which we'll address in a future post, near Thanksgiving Day.
We've identified a number of Bronx gourmet food shops and grocery stores, community dinners and restaurants open for dining on Thanksgiving Day in the Bronx. Enjoy.
Bronx Shopping Malls, Bronx Shopping Centers & Bronx Shopping Districts
Bronx Shopping Malls, Bronx Shopping Centers & Districts
A Changing Retail Landscape in the Bronx
Bronx Shopping Malls, Bronx Shopping Centers & Bronx Shopping Districts in Transformation
October 18, 2017 / Bronx Neighborhoods / Bronx Shops & Shopping Bronx / Bronx Buzz NYC.
This is a compendium of many, possibly most of, the largest shopping malls and shopping centers in the Bronx. Over the past decade or so a number of shopping malls have been erected and many existing shopping centers have been renovated / refurbished as the Bronx undergoes the process of transformation and in some areas, gentrification.
I've grouped the shopping malls by geographical location, using the same definitions used in the neighborhood section of this site - South Bronx, Central Bronx, Eastern Bronx and North & Western Bronx.
- South Bronx Shopping Malls & Shopping Centers. The general boundaries for the South Bronx are the Harlem River to the south and west, the East River to the south and east, White Plains Road to the east and roughly the Cross Bronx Expressway at about 174th Street to the north.
- Central Bronx Shopping Malls & Shopping Centers. The general boundaries for the Central Bronx are the Cross
Bronx Expressway at about 174th Street to the south, the Bronx River Parkway [Morris Park & Bronx River Avenues] as well as the Bronx Zoo and NY Botanical Gardens to the east, Woodlawn Cemetery and Van Cortlandt Park to the north and the Major Deegan Expressway [Bailey Avenue] to the west.
- North & West Bronx Shopping Malls & Shopping Centers. The Major Deegan Expressway [Bailey Avenue] to the east, the northern Bronx boundary around 263rd Street to the north, the Hudson River to the west and the Harlem River to the south.
- East Bronx Shopping Malls & Shopping Centers. The northern boundary of the Bronx along the north at about Kingsbridge Road [rises further north for Wakefield], the Bronx River Expressway [along Bronx Park East] north of the Cross Bronx Expressway and White Plains Road south of the Cross Bronx Expressway on the west [about 172nd to 177th Streets] and the East River to the south and east [leading into the Long Island Sound].
Click here to read our report about the changing retail landscape in the Bronx, including a solid listing of most of the major Bronx shopping malls, Bronx shopping center and Bronx shopping districts in NYC.
Cigars Made the Old Fashioned Way
February 19, 2018 / Belmont Neighborhood Bronx / Bronx Shops & Shopping / Bronx Buzz NYC.
A while back I was strolling through Bronx Little Italy on Arthur Avenue. I spent a bit of time inside the Arthur Avenue Retail Market which was founded back in the 1930's by one of NYC's most famous Mayors, Italian American Fiorello LaGuardia. The market was an effort by the former Mayor to clean up Arthur Avenue as many vendors sold their goods out in the open air on the street.
Inside the old-fashioned, indoor market there are a dozen or more vendors selling food and other items. The vendor that caught my interest on this particular voyage, was the cigar maker busily toling away, rolling his fresh tobacco products on a table near the front of the market.
LCD Cigars bills itself as the original cigar of Arthur Avenue. The cigar maker comes from Latin America and has many years of experience making fine cigars. I bought a couple to bring home and enjoyed the smooth draw of the fresh rolled man-sized cigars.
I misplaced my notes of that voyage, but in addition to the rolling table where he makes cigars, he operates a small store which sells a selection of cigars and accessories, like cases to protect the cigars while traveling - one of which I purchased to ensure the cigars would make it safely home. You can find him in the Arthur Avenue Retail Market or buy from him online at LCDCigars.com.
Bronx Shops & Shopping in NYC
Bronx Shopping & Shops - Bronx Related Info
Click this link for promotions, discounts and coupons in the Bronx.
Click these links for promotions by advertisers in the Bronx.
Click this link to go to the Bronx Neighborhoods section.
Site Search Tips. 1) For best results, when typing in more than one word, use quotation marks - eg "Midtown Neighborhood". 2) Also try either singular or plural words when searching for a specific item such as "gym" or "gyms".
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Bronx NYC Related Links
Click for Bronx Restaurants - Bronx NYC.
Click for Bronx Banks Loans & Mortgages - Bronx NYC.
Click for Bronx Shopping - Bronx NYC.
Click for Bronx Things To Do Bronx NYC.
Click for Bronx Neighborhoods - Bronx NYC.
Click for Bronx Real Estate & Business - Bronx NYC.
Click for Bronx Schools & Bronx Public Education NYC.
Click for Bronx Street Fairs NYC.
Click for Bronx Politics & Government NYC.
Click for Bronx Farmers Markets NYC.
Click for Bronx Arts & Culture
Islamic Fashion in the Bronx
Bronx Islamic Clothing Store for Sale
May 21, 2018 / Parkchester Neighborhood / Bronx Neighborhoods / Holidays in the Bronx / Bronx Buzz NYC.
In early May I traveled to the Parkchester neighborhood, to visit one of the Bronx newest Islamic clothing stores, Islam Fashion. With Ramadan only a couple of weeks away, the store proprietor was busy making preparations as Ramadan is the holiest month of the year - and just as during the holidays for Christians, it is also a very social time of the year.
The store, Islam Fashion, was started in the late 1990's [circa 1998] by an enterprising Egyptian immigrant, Mohamed Zohny, who I had met in Queens about a decade ago. Mohamed is one of those legendary entrepreneurial immigrants that one hears about - that keeps the American dream alive - both here and abroad.
Mohamed Zhony - Egyptian American Entrepreneur
Mohamed rolled the dice and immigrated to New York in 1979, at the age of 37, having left a position working at one of the airports in Egypt. When he arrived, he began working in a Lebanese restaurant washing dishes. Three years later in 1982, risking the savings he made from dishwashing, Mohamed started a falafel food truck at 51st Street and 5th Avenue.
Starting an Entrepreneurial Business on the Midtown Manhattan Streets
For fourteen years Mohamed made falafels out of his food truck and one might say he became a bit of a falafel food truck legend. He was photographed and written about in several glossy magazines, including one where he had his photo taken by famous photo journalist Lou Bopp.
Perhaps my favorite account of Mohamed at this time was the following in the 'Grub' section of a popular NYC magazine.
"Falafel stands abound … [at] Rockefeller Center … during lunchtime. Naturally they run the full gamut of barely edible to scintillatingly delicious. Second place for the title of best falafel is Zohny who has a cart on the corner of 5th Avenue and 51st Street. Not only are his falafels moister and fuller than the competition, but he has also developed falafel assembly into an art. It's a spectator sport to marvel as Zohny choreographs his falafel preparation like a wind-up doll. He can make the chick pea balls while dropping lettuce and tomato and heating the pita bread."
In 1996 then Mayor Rudy Giuliani started making changes to the rules governing traffic and food carts, so Mohamed decided to exit the business. Within two years, Mohamed had embarked on a third adventure, again investing his savings to purchase and then sell Islamic clothing on the Upper East Side on what I understood to be a sort of person-to-person basis.
Opens Islam Fashion Clothing Business in Manhattan with Stores in Brooklyn, Queens & the Bronx
Within another two years, in the year 2000, Mohamed signed a lease in Brooklyn and opened an Islamic clothing store there. Nine years later he opened a second store in 2009 in Astoria, where I met him. He's done a bit of advertising on Queens Buzz over the years and I have always found Mohamed to have a friendly smile on his face.
During this time I have had the opportunity to watch him do a bit of business here and there, buying and selling Islamic clothing in his shop. He would invite sellers to sit down for tea, chat and haggle a bit about quality and price, and then settle on a price and complete the deal. It felt like time traveling into Egypt in the space of a few minutes.
In recent years Mohamed, now 75 years old, has begun winding down ... at least a bit. He closed his Brooklyn store due to rising rents, and moved his Astoria store to Parkchester just last year - again due to rising rents. He opened in Parkchester a few months ago and has begun building yet another retail business. Even to this day Mohamed greets the public with a welcoming "Salam Alaikum", which in English means "Peace to you".
Islam Fashion is located at 1701 White Plains Road at Van Nest Avenue in Parkchester. Mohamed is now in the hospital and plans to sell his business. If interested you can reach him via Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/islamfashioninc/
I hope and pray that Mohamed has a speedy recovery.
Bronx Shops & Shopping - Bronx Shopping & Shops NYC
Bronx Shops & Shopping BX NYC
September 2024 / Bronx Shops & Shopping NYC / Bronx Neighborhoods / Bronx Buzz NYC.
This section is dedicated to the Shops & Shopping section on Bronx Buzz NYC.
Page Guide
How to Make the Most of This Section
1. The reports at the top of this section will contain seasonal shopping opportunities in the Bronx.
2. As things change through the year, the reports that follow the seasonal shopping opportunities, will either reflect current reporting on events, or relevant events reported on in the past.
3. The rest of this section will contain shopping related reports done previously, which over time we'll organize for easier perusing.
4. At the bottom of the page there will be links to these reports and many others, organized into the neighborhoods where the shops are located or where the shopping event occurred.
Bronx Buzz isn't just a local news site, it's also a history of what has happened in Bronx neighborhoods, generally based on events, issues, locales and sometimes personages. We look forward to serving you.
CLICK here to view our Bronx Shops & Shopping NYC section.